Archive for the '2008' Category

L-Isqof M Grech f’Assemblea Plenarja tal-COMECE

Mons. Isqof Grech se jirraprezenta l-Konferenza Episkopali Maltija fl-Assemblea Plenarja tar-Rebbiegħa ta l-Isqfijiet tal-Kominita Ewropea (COMECE).

Niżżel l-Media Release maħruġa mill-Uffiċċju Stampa tal-Kurja ta’ l-Arċisqof, Floriana.

Kungress Djoċesan tax-Xirka ta’ l-Isem Imqaddes t’Alla -2008

Kungress Djoċesan tax-Xirka ta’ l-Isem Imqaddes t’Alla -2008
Xewkija – Il-Ħadd 6 ta’ April 2006

Korteo jibda fil-5.00p.m. minn tarf Triq Indipendenza sal Knisja.

Kungress Djoċesan tax-Xirka ta’ l-Isem Imqaddes t’Alla -2008


Funeral ta’ Mons Salvino Scicluna

B’niket inħabbru l-mewt tas-saċerdot Mons Salvino Scicluna, mill-parroċċa tal-Katidral. Mons Scicluna miet fl-Isptar Ġenerali ta’ Għawdex, lbieraħ it-Tnejn 3 ta’ Marzu 2008, fl-10.00p.m., fl-għomor ta’ 78 sena.
Mons Scicluna twieled fl-4 ta’ Diċembru 1930, u kien ordnat saċerdot fid-9 ta’ April 1955.
Il-funeral tiegħu se jsir għada l-Erbgħa, 5 ta’ Marzu 2008 fil-Knisja Katidrali ta’ Għawdex. Il-quddiesa tal-funeral tibda fl-4.00p.m.
Nitolbukom toffru t-talb tagħkom b’suffraġju ta’ ħuna Dun Salvino. RIP

Randan 2008

Ittra Pastoralicross-picture.jpg




Vox Fratrum - Easter 2008

Vox Fratrum is a news sheet published twice yearly by the Clergy Office of the Bishop’s Curia of Gozo. Its main aim is to promote a link between the Diocese and the Gozitan Priests, Religious and Seminarians alike who are offering their pastoral ministry in other countries. It contains information about local and foreign Church activities of interest, as well as some other religious messages.

Download Easter edition from here.

I ask forgiveness

Maltese Version click here

3rd April 2008 pressreleaselogo.jpg

Gozo – Lourdes Home

I ask forgiveness

I set up a Commission on the 24th April, 2006 to investigate allegations of physical and psychological abuse perpetrated on minors during their stay at Lourdes Home, run by the Dominican Sisters. The Commission’s findings had to help me in my Pastoral Ministry.

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Four new Lectors for the Gozo Diocese

Four new lectors with Bishop

Maltese Version click here

Last Sunday 24 February 2008, H.L. Mgr Mario Grech, bishop of Gozo, conferred the ministry of Lectorate on four seminarians who are in their fifth year of formation at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Victoria.

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Eżerċizzi tar-Randan għaż-Żgħażagħ Għawdxin li jistudjaw u jaħdmu Malta


Il-Kummissjoni Djoċesana Żgħażagħ (Għawdex) tistieden liż żgħażagħ Għawdxin li jaħdmu u jistudjaw Malta għal tlitt ijiem eżerċizzi tar-Randan.

L-Eżerċizzi se jsiru l-ġimgħa d-dieħla, jiġifieri t-Tlieta, l-Erbgħa u l-Ħamis, 4,5 u 6 ta’ Marzu, fil-Kappella tas-Sorijiet Franġiskani, Triq il-Ħriereb, Msida (zona Msida Circle). L-eżerċizzi jibdew fis-7.15p.m.

Ir-riflessjonijiet se jmexxihom is-saċerdot żagħżugħ Dun Joseph Farrugia, direttur spiritwali fis-Seminarju Maġġuri ta’ Għawdex