Bishop of Gozo Michael Gonzi Coat of Arms - Bishop Michael Gonzi


  • Born Birgu, Malta, 13 May 1885
  • Ordained priest, 19 December 1908
  • Consecrated on 20 Ju1y1924, Sixth Sunday after Pentecost in Valletta, Saint John Co-Cathedral, by Maurus Caruana OSB, Bishop of Malta, Tit Archbp of Rhodes; assisted by Giovanni M. Camilleri OESA, Tit Bp of Modona, former bp of Gozo, and Angelo Portelli OP, Tit Bp of Selinus, Auxiliary of Malta
  • Elected Bishop of Gozo 13 June 1924
  • Solemn entry Cathedral, Gozo, 10 August 1924
  • Transferred to Archbishopric of Malta, 22 October 1943
  • Died Gwardmangia, Malta, 22 January 1984