St Anne Chapel - Dwejra
Rev. Fr. Ignatius Borg, Parish Priest of San Lawrenz
40 Pjazza San Lawrenz
San Lawrenz SLZ 1100
Gozo, Malta.
Telephone 00356 21556073 Fax: 00356 21560097
Holy Mass
Sundays at 1630 (Winter)
Sundays at 1730 (Summer)
Brief History
Works on the Chapel started early in 1963 and were finished in July of the same year. The plans of said chapel were drawn by Architect Joe Mizzi and the master builder was Wenzu Formosa, ex-sacristan of the parish church of San Lawrenz. All expenses were paid by Rev. Fr. Alwig Mizzi, Salesian.
The Chapel, which is dedicated to Saint Anne, was blessed by Rev. Mons. G. Pace, Bishop of Gozo, on the 25th July, 1963 on the eve of Saint’s liturgical feast.
Special festivities are held every year on the 25th & 26th July in honour of Saint Anne’s liturgical feast.