Ittra Pastorali għar-Randan 2018 tal-Isqfijiet Malta

maltese-bishops-scicluna-and-grech.jpgNGĦOŻŻU DAK LI HU SABIĦ U TAJJEB

Ta’ kull sena, fit-Tieni Ħadd tar-Randan, il-Knisja tlaqqagħna mal-esperjenza ta’ Ġesù u tliet dixxipli magħżula minnu, fuq muntanja għolja. Din insejħulha l-esperjenza tat-Trasfigurazzjoni.

L-Evanġelju ta’ San Mark jgħidilna li “Ġesù ħa miegħu lil Pietru u lil Ġakbu u lil Ġwanni, tellagħhom weħidhom fuq muntanja għolja, u tbiddel quddiemhom. Ilbiesu sar abjad u jgħammex b’dija tal-għaġeb”. San Mark jagħmel osservazzjoni: “Ebda ħassiel fid-dinja ma jista’ jġib il-ħwejjeġ bojod daqshekk”. U jkompli: “U dehrilhom Elija ma’ Mosè, jitkellmu ma’ Ġesù” (Mk 9, 2-3).

Kompli aqra minn hawn:  ittra-pastorali-randan-2018.pdf


Every year, on the Second Sunday of Lent, the Church proclaims the Gospel narrative of Christ and his three chosen disciples, that took place on a high mountain. We call this event the experience of the Transfiguration.

The Gospel according to Saint Mark narrates that “Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves; and he was transfigured before them, and his garments became glistening, intensely white”. Saint Mark makes the interesting observation that they were white “as no fuller on earth could bleach them” (Mk 9, 2-3).

Continue reading:  pastoral-letter-for-lent-2018.pdf