Application for Head at Bishop’s Conservatory Secondary School

Bishop’s Conservatory Secondary School
Victoria Gozo

Open Call for Applications for -
as per clause 5.2iv of Church Authorities and MUT Agreement

5th October, 2012
This currently vacant post of Head of School at Bishop’s Conservatory Secondary School will be filled in accordance with clause 5 of the “Agreement between the Church Authorities and the Malta Union of Teachers for teaching grades in Church Schools” (8th May 2011)*.
Permanent Warrant holders who have no less than fourteen (14) years of teaching experience  on the closing date of the call for applications.
1. The Assistant Head of Bishop’s Conservatory Secondary School invites applications for the post of Head of School, to serve at Bishop’s Conservatory Secondary School as from the current Scholastic Year 2012/13, from qualified, eligible educators with the requested experience from Permanent Warrant holders who have no less than fourteen (14) years of teaching experience on the closing date of the call for applications.

2. The salary for the post of Head of School in 2012 is €20,654 per annum rising by annual increments of €596.33 per annum to a maximum of €24,232 (Salary Scale 6) and the applicable allowances.

3. The post of Head of School implies the adoption of a high management mindset and approach.

4. The functions, roles and responsibilities of this post include the following:
4.1 Overall Purpose
4.1.1 To provide professional leadership and to ensure the implementation and the development of the National Curriculum Framework;
4.1.2 To secure whole-school commitment to the curricular philosophy, values and objectives through the effective school team building, communication and collaborative approach to decision-making;
4.1.3 To promote and further the holistic education of each student in the school;
4.1.4 To organise, manage and control efficiently and effectively the human, physical and financial resources of the school;
4.1.5 To participate in the meetings of the Secretariat for Catholic Education and to collaborate with other Heads of School in a manner that maximises networking under the leadership of the Episcopal Council’s Delegate for Catholic Education and according to the direction and guidelines established by the competent authorities;
4.1.6 To participate in the design, formulation and implementation of projects that tap EU funding and establish partnerships with other schools in Europe.
4.2 Main Responsibilities
4.2.1 To formulate, in a collaborative manner with the school team the school aims, objectives and policies in conformity with the Education Act and related legal notices and the directives and regulations of the Education Authorities, Secretariat for Catholic Education, Council for Heads of Church Schools in Gozo (KKSK – Kunsill tal-Kapijiet tal-iSkejjel tal-Knisja) and of the Bishop’s Conservatory Secondary School and to lead the school team accordingly;
4.2.2 To employ teaching and non-teaching staff in accordance with the “Agreement between the Church Authorities and the Malta Union of Teachers for teaching grades in Church Schools” (8th May 2011) and upon approval from the Education Regulatory Compliance Section (ERCS);
4.2.3 To facilitate a participatory team building and collegial process leading to the formulation and on-going review of the School Development Plan;
4.2.4 To build and maintain an effective and open channel of communication within the school community, with other Church schools in Malta and Gozo, with officials of the Secretariat for Catholic Education, with the KKSK, with schools in the Gozo College, with the College Board and its administration, with officials of the Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education (DQSE) and the DES, the local community and other external agencies;
4.2.5 To direct the planning, organisation and co-ordination of curricular and other related initiatives and activities throughout the year and performing duties connected with the School Council in accordance with current legislation;
4.2.6 To keep abreast with on-going professional development in educational and administrative leadership and management and nurture the role of mentors;
4.2.7 To ensure order and discipline, help to resolve conflicts, and promote healthy relationships between students, staff and parents/guardians;
4.2.8 To ensure the timely implementation of established disciplinary procedures;
4.2.9 To ensure that all policies are being carried out effectively;
4.2.10 To ensure the maintenance of an effective pastoral care system for students;
4.2.11 To ensure that members of the Senior Management Team are regularly assigned focus areas for the better implementation of the school policies and development plan;
4.2.12 To supervise the academic and pedagogical quality of teaching and learning.
4.3 Curriculum Development
4.3.1 Together with the Senior Management Team and teachers and in consultation with the relevant personnel within the Secretariat for Catholic Education, the DQSE and DES as appropriate, to determine strategies for the effective implementation of the National Curriculum, such as teaching and learning strategies, the use of educational resources and services, the selection of textbooks, etc;
4.3.2 To implement quality assurance mechanisms that maintain high standards of teaching and learning in the school;
4.3.3 To promote the enrichment of the curriculum through activities organised within and outside school;
4.3.4 To ensure that the curriculum includes holistic learning activities that take into account the diverse talents and learning modes, abilities and potential of all students in the school, and into the resources of the local community as well as those of national, European and international organisations;
4.3.5 To motivate and support all categories of staff with the objective of pursuing lifelong learning opportunities, including career development and progression.
4.4 Student Matters
4.4.1 To facilitate the provision of effective psycho-social services and the effective delivery of pastoral care services for students;
4.4.2 To implement an effective referral policy and procedures for students requiring specialised services;
4.4.3 To follow the criteria set by the Episcopal Council and the KKSK to enroll new students and to develop and sustain procedures to facilitate the transition of students coming to and leaving school;
4.4.4 To promote an inclusive school policy;
4.4.5 To facilitate and nurture a safe school environment;
4.4.6 To promote an effective student participation policy.
4.5 Teaching Personnel
4.5.1 To nurture the development and maintenance of the professional school team leading to active participation in decision-making, and take timely follow-up action and facilitate school self-evaluation exercises;
4.5.2 To expose the Assistant Heads to the various roles and tasks of headship; directing the induction of new staff and motivating, supporting, developing, monitoring, acting as mentor, and appraising professional and non-professional staff;
4.5.3 To guide management processes to ensure academic and pedagogical quality assurance and standards of teaching and learning;
4.5.4 To manage and mentor other personnel attached to the school on a permanent or temporary basis in order to ensure a high level of motivation and of quality service;
4.6 Ensuring that the gender perspective is integrated in school programmes and initiatives.
4.7 Home-School-Community Links:
4.7.1 To create and promote links with the local community and its organisations;
4.7.2 To encourage and foster parental involvement in children’s educational development; while providing staff with a clear direction, encouraging them to seek effective ways of enhancing parental involvement in students’ educational development and curricular activities;
4.7.3 To encourage parents/guardians to engage in lifelong learning opportunities leading to personal development whilst promoting enhanced involvement in the school community life;
4.7.4 To encourage parents to increasingly become aware of their responsibilities towards their children’s well-being and welfare and ensure that they strictly observe the school’s rules and regulations, including those related to punctuality both at the beginning and at the end of the school day.
4.8 Administration
4.8.1 Together with the Assistant Head/s, carry out the annual school classification exercise and ensuring the preparation of timetables, assigning of classes, subjects and responsibilities to teachers;
4.8.2 To ensure that the duty of providing cover for absent teachers is shared equitably among all teachers in the school;
4.8.3 To ensure the compilation and upkeep of school statistics, as well as student and staff records;
4.8.4 To ensure the provision of a functional record keeping and filing system and the timely and correct submission of data and information requested by the regulatory bodies, the Gozo College and other authorised entities;
4.8.5  To annually supply the KKSK with copies of the School Development Plan, the Audited Accounts, the NSSIS Document presented to the Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education and the School Annual Report.
4.8.6 To present on request, written reports to the KKSK or directly to the Bishop of Gozo as mainly responsible for the Church Schools in the Diocese of Gozo.
4.8.7 In collaboration with the relevant agencies and officials, to ensure the proper maintenance and servicing of the school building, facilities and equipment, as well as the cleanliness and the embellishment of the school environment;
4.8.8 With the assistance of available human resources, to ensure the compilation of an inventory according to prescribed regulations, as well as the efficient management of stores/apparatus, furniture and other material resources;
4.8.9 To ensure the timely requisition of utilities and textbooks;
4.8.10 To take part in EU projects and other projects in accordance with SDP targets.

4.9 Finance
To ensure the effective management and control of funds and the recording of all transactions according to established practice.

5. Criteria for employment
5.1 By the closing time and date of this call for applications, applicants must:
5.1.1 be able to communicate in the Maltese and English languages;
5.1.2 be of good moral character and practicing Catholics;
5.1.3    have no less than Fourteen (14) years of teaching experience;
5.1.4 be in possession of a Permanent Teacher’s Warrant;
5.1.6 be in possession of at least a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education with specialisation in Leadership, Administration and Management, or a recognised, appropriate and comparable qualification in these areas.  Applicants in possession of the Diploma in Educational Administration and Management of the University of Malta, or a recognised, appropriate and comparable qualification, shall be considered eligible to apply for this post.
5.2 Scholastic year (2011-2012) is reckonable as part of the required applicant’s years of teaching experience.
5.3 Qualifications at a level higher than that specified above will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided they meet any specified subject requirements.
5.4 Moreover, candidates who have not yet formally obtained any of the above-mentioned qualifications will still be considered, provided that they submit evidence that they have been approved for the award of the qualifications in question by the closing time and date of the call for applications.
5.5  Due consideration will be given to applicants who, besides satisfying the requisites indicated in clause 5.1, also have documented evidence of any relevant work experience.

6. The appointment to the grade of Head of School which is subject to a probationary period of one year is on a full-time basis and is subject to the “Agreement between the Church Authorities and the Malta Union of Teachers for teaching grades in Church Schools” (8th May 2011)

7. In the carrying out of proper duties and functions, a Head of School shall be expected to have or to develop the necessary knowledge, competences and skills to be literate in and to be able to make effective use of Information and Communication Technology, according to the post.

8. Applicants must provide transcripts of their qualifications. Diploma/Degree/Post-Graduate certificates or recognised, comparable qualifications must be accompanied by a transcript in English, showing the grade obtained and the final classification. Qualifications and experience claimed must be supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of which should be attached to the application.  Scanned copies sent electronically are acceptable.

9. Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be invariably produced for verification at the interview.

10. With respect to qualifications produced in response to this call for applications, applicants:
10.1 are required to produce a recognition statement by the Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre (MQRIC) based within the Malta Qualifications Council, or by any other designated authority, as applicable.  Such statement should be attached to the application and the original presented at the interview.
10.2 who are not in possession of such a statement may still apply, provided that they submit a copy of the statement to the receiving department as soon as it is available and, in any case, by not later than one month from the closing date of the call for applications.
10.3 are exempt from the above requirements in respect of qualifications obtained from accredited universities or other accredited institutions that are listed and available for download from the MQRIC page of the Malta Qualifications Council website: ( In cases of doubt, however, the Selection Board may set aside this exemption and direct an applicant to procure a recognition statement from MQRIC. In such a case the applicant shall be given one month to procure the statement.

11. Eligible applicants will be assessed by a selection board to determine their suitability for the post.

12 Applications:
12.1 Hand-written letters of application together with a summary of qualifications and experience in the European Curriculum Vitae Format (downloaded from the following website: and photocopies of certificates will be received by the Assistant Head of Bishop’s Conservatory Secondary School, Ms Rita Buttigieg, by not later than noon Central European Time (CET) of Friday, 19th October 2012.
12.2 Applications received from abroad through a fax or other similar message by noon (CET) on Friday, 19th October 2012 may be considered provided that all requisite details are given. The formal application duly signed by the applicant must reach Bishop’s Conservatory Secondary School, Archbishop P. Pace Street Victoria, Gozo by not later than one week after the closing date together with an explanation for the delay.
12.3 Applications by post should be sent by registered mail, allowing sufficient time to ensure delivery by the above deadline.

13  A receipt will be given at the time of delivery for applications delivered by hand.
Rita Buttigieg (Assistant Head of School)
*Clause 5 of the “Agreement between the Church Authorities and the Malta Union of Teachers for teaching grades in Church Schools” (8th May 2011):

5 Head of School
In the filling of vacancies in the grade of Head of School the Union recognises the right of the Church Authorities to appoint members of the Religious Order/Congregation or, in the case of seminaries, members of the Diocesan Clergy. In such cases, the Union and the Church Authorities agree that persons appointed must have an appropriate background in educational services.

The filling of vacancies by lay personnel in the grade of Head of School will be by selection
following   a   call   for   applications   open   to   Assistant   Heads   of   School,   Heads   of   Department,  INCO’s and Counselors in possession of a (permanent) Teachers’ Warrant and a recognised  post graduate Diploma in Educational Management or an equivalent qualification, who have  served as teachers in the particular school who, on the closing date of the call for applications,  and have not less than four (4) years service in the grade.

(i)           Provided      that  in   the  absence    of   applications    from    eligible   candidates,     or  if  no  suitable candidate is selected, a fresh call for applications will be issued open to all Assistant Heads of School, Heads of Department,   INCO’s     and   Counselors  in  possession of  a (permanent) Teachers’ Warrant who, on the closing date of applications of the new call, have no less than  four (4) years of service in the grade of Assistant Head of School in Church schools.

(ii) Provided further that in the absence of applications, or if no suitable candidate is selected, a new call for applications will be issued open to Assistant Heads of School who have less than four (4) years service in the grade of Assistant Head of School and all teachers serving in the school where the vacancy exists and who are in possession of a Permanent Warrant.  In this instance, applicants are required to have no less than Fourteen (14) years  of  teaching  experience in Church schools.

(iii)         Provided further that if no applications are forthcoming as per 5.2 (ii) above, or if once again no   suitable   candidate   is   selected,   another   call   for   applications   will   be   issued,   open   to   all teachers in Church schools who are in possession of a Permanent Warrant and who, on the closing   date   of   the   call   for   applications   would   have   no   less   than   fourteen   (14)   years   of teaching experience.

(iv)          Provided further that if the vacancy remains vacant following the publication of the call for  applications   as   per   5.2   (iii)   above,   an   open   call   for   applications   will   be   issued   open   to   all Permanent Warrant holders who have no less than fourteen (14) years of teaching experience  on the closing date of the call for applications.

(v)           In   all  cases   referred   to   in  article   5.2,   and   sub  articles   5.2   (i),  (ii),   (iii)   and   (iv)   above,  applicants     are    to  be   in   possession of  the Diploma in Education  Administration  and  Management of  the   University  of Malta, or  an   equivalent  or   higher  qualification  in  educational management approved by the Malta Qualifications Council