Servizz Ekumeniku ta’ Talb

christianunity.jpgFl-okkażjoni tal-Ġimgħa ta’ Talb għall-Għaqda fost l-Insara, li tinżamm kull sena bejnit-18 u l-25 ta’ Jannar, il-Leġjun ta’ Marija f’Għawdex se jorganizza Servizz Ekumeniku ta’ Talb nhar l-Erbgħa 23 ta’ Jannar 2008 fil-Bażilika tax-Xagħra. It-tema għal din is-sena hi “Itolbu bla heda” (1 Tess 5,17). Fis-Servizz jieħdu sehem l-ET Mons. Isqof Mario Grech, Fr Tom Mendel (Kanċellier tal-Katidral ta’ San Pawl, Valletta), Rev David Morris (tal-Union of The Scots Church and Methodist Congregation u Chairman tal-Kunsill Ekumeniku Malti), u l-Arċipriet tal-Parroċċa tax-Xagħra Mons Karm Refalo. Is-Servizz jibda fis-7.00p.m. Kulħadd hu mistieden.


On the occasion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, held every year from the 18th to the 25th of January, the Legion of Mary in Gozo is holding a Christian Unity Service next Wednesday 23rd January 2008 at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Parish Church, in Xagħra. This year’s theme is “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thes 5,17). Bishop Mario Grech, Fr Tom Mendel (Chancellor of St Paul’s Pro-Cathedral, Valletta), Rev David Morris (of the Union of the Scots Church and Methodist Congregation and Chairman of the Malta Ecumenical Council), and Xagħra Parish Archpriest Mgr Carmel Refalo will take part. The Service commences at 7.00p.m. All are invited.