Il-Moviment Gradwati Għawdxin jistieden lill-gradwati u l-membri tal-professjonijiet kollha (anki koppji) għall-Quddiesa ta’ l-ewwel Ġimgħa tax-Xahar fl-1 ta’ Awissu, ċelebrata mis-superjur tad-Dar Stella Maris Fr Alfred Farrugia MSSP.
Bħas-soltu ssir fil-knisja ta’ Santu Wistin (Victoria) fit-8.30 pm - ħin tard fl-għaxija biex jippermettilhom jaħtfu din l-opportunita’ u jsegwu omelija speċifikament ghalihom. Inħass li jkun xieraq li, matul din is-sena speċjali, jittieħdu temi mit-tagħlim li ħallielna San Pawl. Din id-darba ntgħażlet “il-Liberta’ ta’ Wlied Alla”, bi spunt mill-versett “Għax il-Mulej huwa l-Ispirtu; u fejn hemm l-Ispirtu tal-Mulej hemm il-ħelsien” (it-tieni ittra lill-Korintin: kap 3 vers 17).
Mit-8.15 ikun hemm il-possibilta’ tal-Qrar.
Freedom in First Friday Call for Gozo Professionals
The Gozitan Graduates Movement invites graduates and members of all professions in Gozo (including couples) for First Friday Mass on 1st August, said by Stella Maris superior Fr Alfred Farrugia MSSP.
As usual, this will be at St Augustine’s church (Victoria) at 8.30 pm - a late enough evening time to help them accept this opportunity and get to hear a homily especially directed at them. It has been decided that, during this special year, themes should be taken from the teaching that St Paul left us. The choice this time is “The Freedom of God’s Sons”, based on verse 17 of chapter 3 from the second letter to the Corinthians (“Now this Lord is the Spirit and, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom”).
The sacrament of Reconciliation will be available from 8.15.