Archive for the 'Bibbja' Category

Guzeppa Debono Home Celebrates Pro-Life Day 2009


The Strength of life in sufferings

Gozo will be the venue of Pro-Life Day 2009 to be celebrated for the first time on Friday 30th January 2009. This is going to be launched by Guzeppa Debono Home and a Soiree will be organized at Ta’ Frenc Restaurant. It will include a sumptuous 4-course Gala Dinner prepared by the renowned chefs at Ta’ Frenc, an auction of paintings by the young Gozitan artist Christopher Saliba and also on site paintings by the same artist. Pieces of sculpture by another Gozitan artist, Victor Agius will also be auctioned. There will be time for instrumental music provided by various well known local musicians that will add to the magic of the Soiree.

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Teżor moħbi f’Għalqa

Format: PowerPoint
Maqluba għall-Malti mill-Qasam t’Għajnsielem
Niżżel: Tezor f’ghalqa

Għoti tal-Vanġelu

PowerPoint ippreparat mill-Iskola Ninu Cremona fl-okkażjoni tat-Tqassim tal-Vanġelu lill-istudenti tal-Form 1.

Niżżel: Għoti-tal-vanġelu

Mustarda u ħmira

Format: PowerPoint
: Dun Tonio Galea

Kontenut: Il-parabbola taż-żerriegħa tal-Mustarda dik tal-żmira. (Mt 13, 31-33)
: parabbol zerriegha tal-mustarda u hmira


Format: PowerPoint

Ġrajja tal-Holqien skond il-ktieb tal-Ġenesi
Niżżel: ll-Holqien

Jimxi fuq l-ilma

Format: PowerPoint
Maqlub għall-Malti mill-Qasam t’Għajnsielem
Niżżel: Miraklu Ġesù fuq l-ilma

L-Għaxar Xebbiet

Format: PowerPoint
Maqluba gall-Malti mill-Qasam t’Għajnsielem
Niżżel: Għaxar xebbiet

Dar fuq il-Blat

Format: PowerPoint
: Dun Tonio Galea
: Il-parabbola li tagħlaq id-diskors tal-muntanja.Min jisma’ u jgħix il-Kelma t’Alla jixbah lil min jibni fuq is-sod.

: Dar fuq il-blat