Fil-laqgħa li saret illum, is-Sibt 12 ta’ Mejju 2012, tal-Kunsill Presbiterali* tad-Djoċesi ta’ Għawdex, preseduta mill-E.T. l-Isqof Mons Mario Grech, il-Kunsill għamel din l-istqarrija:
“Nilqgħu bil-ferħ l-aħbar li mill-bieraħ id-Dipartiment tas-Saħħa beda joffri mill-Isptar Ġenerali ta’ Għawdex is-servizz magħruf bħala Naprotechnology lil dawk il-koppji miżżewġin Maltin u Għawdxin li għandhom diffikultà biex ikollhom tarbija.
Permezz tan-Naprotechnology, ix-xjenza tgħin biex fil-parti l-kbira tal-każi tal-infertilità jintrebħu d-diffikultajiet fiżjoloġiċi u psikoloġiċi li jagħmlu l-mara jew ir-raġel infertili, u hekk it-tarbija titnissel b’mod naturali bir-rispett għall-integrità tal-att unittiv u prokreattiv tal-koppja miżżewġa. Din it-teknoloġija hija kuntrarja għal proposti xjentifiċi oħra li jippruvaw isolvu l-problema tal-infertilità billi jieħdu post l-att konjugali għax inisslu l-ħajja umana fil-laboratorju. Barra minn hekk, in-Naprotechnology teskludi għal kollox kull riskju li jkun hemm kemm ta’ manipulazzjoni jew qerda tal-ħajja umana kif ukoll xi forma ta’ sfruttament tal-koppja jew ta’ detriment għas-saħħa tal-mara. Propju għaliex tirrispetta n-natura tal-att konjugali u l-ħajja, in-Naprotechnology hija etikament u moralment aċċettabbli.
Din l-inizjattiva tad-Dipartiment tas-Saħħa hija fil-linja tat-tagħlim tal-Maġisteru tal-Knisja kif imfisser mill-Isqof tagħna, l-E.T. Mons Mario Grech ftit ġimgħat ilu. Dakinhar, filwaqt li għamel appell lin-nies tax-xjenza biex jgħinu verament b’mezzi li huma etikament tajba lil dawk il-koppji infertili biex possibilment jegħlbu d-diffikultà, l-Isqof appella “lill-Istat biex fis-sistema tas-saħħa, li taħdem bi flus il-poplu, jipprovdi servizzi li huma moralment tajba u li jaqblu mal-ġurament li jieħdu t-tobba bħala difensuri tal-ħajja umana, biex dawk il-koppji li għaddejjin minn dan id-dulur jirċievu l-għajnuna” (Omelija tat-30 ta’ Marzu 2012).
Nemmnu li huwa provvidenzjali li dan is-servizz ġie inawgurat lejlet Jum l-Omm, għaliex b’din it-teknoloġija l-Istat qiegħed tassew jgħin lil dawk il-koppji li leġittimament jixtiequ jilqgħu d-don tal-ħajja.
* Il-Kunsill Presbiterali huwa grupp ta’ saċerdoti li jirrappreżentaw is-saċerdoti kollha tad-Djoċesi biex jgħinu lill-Isqof fit-tmexxija.
English version:
Statement of the Presbyteral Council
At a meeting presided by H.E Bishop Mario Grech, held today, Saturday 12th May 2012, the Presbiterial Council* of the Gozo Diocese issued the following statement:
We gladly welcome the news that as from yesterday the Health Authorities, through the Gozo General Hospital, began offering a service known as Naprotechnology to Maltese and Gozitan married couples who experience difficulty in having a child.
In the majority of cases, through Naprotechnology science helps to overcome physiological and psychological difficulties that render the man or the woman infertile, and allows the child to be conceived in a natural way that respects the integrity of the unitive and procreative act of the married couple. This technology is opposed to other scientific proposals that try to solve the problem of infertility by substituting the conjugal act with the procreation of human life in the laboratory. In addition, Naprotechnology excludes completely every possible risk of manipulation or destruction of human life, and also avoids any exploitation of the couple or health risk for the woman. Because it respects the nature of the conjugal act and life, naprotechnology is ethically and morally acceptable.
This initiative of the Health Department is in line with the teaching of the Magisterium of the Church as explained a few weeks ago by our Bishop, H.E Mgr Mario Grech. On that occasion, while he appealed to people of science to help infertile couples overcome their difficulty with methods that are truly ethically good, the Bishop appealed to “the State to provide through the health system, funded by public money, services that are morally sound and are in keeping with the oath binding doctors as defenders of human life, so that those couples who are suffering from this problem receive assistance” (Homily of 30th March 2012).
We believe it is providential that this service was inaugurated on the eve of Mother’s Day, because with this technology the State is truly helping those couples who have the legitimate desire to receive the gift of life.
*The Presbyteral Council is a group of priests representing all the priests of the Diocese assisting the Bishop in his administration.