Archive for February, 2007

The Father who embraces everybody (Pastoral Letter, Lenten 2007)

His Excellency Msgr. Mario Grech Bishop of Gozo
Lenten Pastoral Letter 2007

The Father Who Embraces Everybody

There may be some amongst us that may not be that convinced that God is a Father. There may be some of us who know the Father, but still need to deepen this knowledge and understand him better. I have a great desire that this Father, whose arms are outstretched to embrace us all, would be known and loved.

Recently, I encountered a father who lost his son. Broken-heartedly this father shared with me the agony of the last moments of his son’s life. The experience moved me and my eyes welled up with tears. I became more conscious of what a a father and a mother go through in the face of a serious illness or a death of a child. I continued to fathom the depth of meaning in a relationship between “the father and his son”.

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